VAMDC Project (2009 - 2012)

WP7 : JRA2: Publishing Tools PDF Print E-mail

JRA2: Publishing Tools


Contact person : N. Piskunov


Objectives :

Provide generic tools partly using the standards developed in JRA1 in order to help producers of A&M data to publish their sets into the VAMDC infrastructure.

WP Lead: UU(6)


Description of work :

This WP will develop software that will be deployed within the VAMDC infrastructure. Some of these software will be associated to the standards developed in JRA1. The general software made available to the community will be accessible via the VAMDC technical web-site. Two alternative variants are being developed. The first one implies the design of software for the process of existing information resources transformation into standardized (tasks 2-4) forms set in JRA1. The second variant implies the design of a typical information system accessible via the Internet (task 5) and having an integrated tool developed in tasks 1-3. In this variant automatic generation of semantic metadata for uploaded information resources is realized, taking into account the restrictions imposed by formal models of molecules and atoms. All software will be documented.

During the course of the project additional software might be. The EPT will decide upon the new developments to be carried out by the partners involved in WP8.

The following software are aimed at enhancing scientific research through allowing easy and secure publication of A&M resources within the VAMDC infrastructure:

Task 1: (lead by CNRS(1) with (6))

Create/adapt tools to go from an DM/XML schema to a full database deployment with generation of automatic administrative interface.

Task 2 : (lead by CNRS(1) with (6))

Create/adapt tools to build registries from the content of databases.

Task 3 : (lead by UU(6) with (1))

Create/adapt interfaces to easily update dictionaries.

Task 4 : (lead by RFNC-VNIIT(12) with(1), (6), (8) )

Develop software libraries using various languages allowing to easily generate output of already existing resources in standardized format.

Task 5 : (lead by IAO(13))

Create tools to upload, modify, retrieve, compare, visualize and publish information in molecular spectroscopy.


Deliverables : JRA2: Publishing Tools

Milestones : WP7

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