WP4 : SA 1: Infrastructure Deployment |
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SA 1: Infrastructure Deployment
Contact person : G. Rixon
Objectives :
To provide Data Access via a homogeneous environment where the distributed user community can retrieve AM resources through a standard interfaces. This involves implementing standard outputs for the AM databases, finding the resources by interrogating registries, using querying and pipeline tools. WP Lead: CMSUC (2)
Description of work :
The VAMDC infrastructure will be designed as an homogeneous environment where any AM producer or "community" users will be able respectively to publish their AM data or to retrieve and manipulate those data. The AM producers range from atomic physics to molecular physics handling complex molecules, solids and surfaces. The communities encompass astrophysics users from very different areas: stellar, galaxies, interstellar medium (those application areas are handled by the IVOA and Euro-VO projects), planetology and small bodies of the solar system (EuroPlanet Project), solar-earth system (EGSO and SPASE projects), atmospheric users (studies of earth atmosphere), environmental and combustion chemistry, fusion physics and industrial applications. The IVOA community is the most advanced project as far as building an interoperable infrastructure for astronomy and we will use some of their achievements, i.e. standards, tools, services when those are relevant to the project.
Tasks :
Task 1: Standard access to AM data (lead by CMSUC(2), all SA1 partners) We will provide standard service interfaces to AM databases. JRA1 will define these interfaces and this task is to implement them on the existing databases held by each VAMDC node. Participants at all nodes will be involved.
Task 2: Standard access to numerical codes (lead by CNRS(1), with partners (5), (6) ) Where a VAMDC node has a useful numerical code for AM analysis or modeling, we will make it available as a service. These services will provide a uniform way of launching the codes and recovering their outputs. This task is complementary to the grid adaptation of code in SA2: the codes run on resources contributed by the node owners and need not be made portable to an external grid.
Task 3: Implementing registries (lead by UCL(3) with partners (1), (6), (12)) The registry facilities defined by JRA1, and implemented with the software produced by JRA2, must be populated with information. This task gathers the meta data for the services at each node and adds it to the registries.
Task 4: Augmenting VODesktop (lead by UCL(3)) The EuroVO'VODesktop is a generic interface for the virtual observatory. It allows access to all VObs data, plus launching numerical codes and sharing of data between desktop visualization tools. We will adapt A-M desktop applications to work with VODesktop and the underlying VObs applications environment.
Task 5: Publishing desktop software (lead by CNRS(1), with partner (5)) We will collect and make available to end users chosen A-M applications for the desktop.
Task 6: Expansion of the infrastructure (co-lead by CNRS(1) and CMSUC(2) with (5), (6)) Once the core infrastructure is deployed, new resources will be included in the infrastructure via an open call to producers of AM resources. Those new resources will need to be deployed and tested within the infrastructure. Task 6 will be devoted to the technical inclusion and testing of these new AM resources. The choice of these resources will be made in NA1 by the VPB by the EPT. Deliverables : SA 1: Infrastructure Deployment Milestones : WP4 |