VAMDC Executive Board (VEB): |
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VAMDC Executive Board (VEB):
Comprising the Coordinator of the Network, a Project Manager (to be funded by the e-infrastructure and based at the Coordinator’s institute), a scientific co-chair, a technical co-chair and a nodes representative. The Executive Board will act as the ‘daily’ project management team with responsibility for monitoring the progress of the VAMDC e-infrastructure and ensure decisions taken at the Project Management Board are implemented. Such a small team is necessary to deliver clear and decisive management on short time scales. The VEB will also act as the direct point of contact for the Commission. The VEB will be delegated necessary powers by the VPB to act on issues that require immediate response but will be answerable for such actions to the VPB. VEB members : VAMDC Project Coordinator : The Project Coordinator will have overall executive responsibility for the project and will provide leadership. Professor Marie-Lise Dubernet (CNRS) will fill this position. The Coordinator chairs the Project Board and she will have a standing invitation to participate in the meetings at the EPT. The Coordinator will have prime responsibility for representing the project externally, including liaison with the European Commission.
Project Manager : The Project Manager has detailed oversight of all Work packages. (S)he will ensure regular monitoring of progress against milestones and budgets, giving early warning of areas where problems may occur. The Project Manager will be the project’s Chief Operating Officer, preparing agenda for the VAMDC Project Board and EPT and implementing their decisions, including the distribution of the EU Grant and the compilation of reports and other data required by the European Commission. The Project Manager will be appointed by the Coordinator and will be employed by the Coordinator’s organisation.
Scientific Deputy Coordinator : The Scientific Coordinator reports to the Coordinator and has prime responsibility for ensuring the scientific coherence of the project and the quality of its outputs. (S)he will work closely with the Work Packages leaders on scientific matters and on planning the future direction of the project. The Scientific Coordinatorwill also work closely with the Strategic Advisory Board to assure quality of delivery. The Scientific Coordinatorwill be a leading scientist appointed by the VAMDC Project Board on the recommendation of the Coordinator from the partners and will have to be able to commit a substantial fraction of his/her time per week to VAMDC business.
Technical Deputy Coordinator : (S)he is in charge of the overall coordination of the various technical activities and he is the Chair of the Executive Project Team (EPT). For maximum efficiency in communication s(he) will be the co-chair of the S/T Coordination Work Package (WP2: NA1).
Project Nodes Representative :