WP3 : NA2: Dissemination and Training |
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NA2: Dissemination and Training
Contact person : N. Mason
The key objective of the training and dissemination activity is to ensure that principle stakeholders are engaged in the development and implementation of the VAMDC E-infrastructure. This Work package will therefore provide for: a) Dissemination of VAMDC services at national, EU and non-EU levels b) Training of producers & users at master, PhD and professional levels (both academic and non-academic users) Specifically this work package provides for: 1) An annual meeting, which showcases the work of the e-infrastructure, supports networking and scientific communication, and becomes the conference of choice for users and providers of atomic and molecular data 2) Organize topic based scientific workshops, twice a year, to bring together proposers, users and providers of A&M data to discuss data needs and how VAMDC can meet those needs. 3) Arrange teaching tutorials (on-line and face to face) on the VAMDC e-infrastructure WP Lead: OU(4)
Description of work :
This activity provides the conduit for communicating both the aims and results of the VAMDC e-infrastructure. Dissemination activities are aimed at VAMDC’s users, the wider European science community, European industrial stakeholders and policy makers. It is intended to provide an attractive platform to exchange and present results, develop new ideas and to network with other data providers and e-infrastructures. This will be accomplished by organizing a high profile annual meeting, being represented at other appropriate conferences and hosting a series of targeted topical workshops and teaching tutorials.
NA2 therefore consists of four tasks: 1) Coordination 2) Organizing an annual meeting and arranging representation at other relevant meetings 3) Organizing themed scientific workshops 4) Organizing training tutorials
Task 1: Coordination (Chair OU(4), Deputy Chair UW_A(5) ) Dissemination activities will be a pre-requisite for all VAMDC’s activities. Therefore each NA, SA and JRA will nominate a member to prepare the necessary material for disseminating the aims, objectives and results of these activities. Dissemination across the project will be coordinated by the Communication and Training Committee (CTC). role of the communication and training committee is to propose a list of dissemination and training actions, to organize the general events linked to this project and to compile records of actions. It will be composed of NA2 partners and chaired by the WP3 leader (OU). The CTC will organise the communication and training section of the VAMDC web-site. This section will hold all records of dissemination and training actions and the CTC will be responsible for updating this section with announcements, news, proceedings, and presentations.
Task 2: Organisation of annual international conference and VAMDC’s representation at other relevant meetings Annual meeting The CTC will organise an annual international conference focused on the VAMDC e-infrastructure, its resources and services. The programme committee will be chaired by OU with UNIVIE as deputy. It will be aimed at users, producers and developers. It will include both academic and non-academic users. This major event will be held each year in a different part of the EU and proceedings will be published (both on line and subject to discussions with scientific publishers in hardcopy – note the UK Institute of Journal of Physics Conference Series have expressed interest in publishing such proceedings). It is VAMDC's ambition that this meeting become a conference of choice for A&M database providers and for A&M data users (We wish at least one meeting to be combined with the international ICAMDATA conference).The conference will therefore aim to attract a wide audience including many of the key stakeholders we wish toengage with (industrialists, politicians, media). The Conference will also be the location of many of the VAMDC e-infrastructure’s necessary management meetings. Dissemination via EU national and international existing conferences Yearly the CTC will establish a list of national and international conferences where oral presentations and demonstrations on VAMDC will be valuable. These national and international conferences will usually be conferences of producers and users. AOB will be responsible for collating the information and arranging with other partners VAMDC presence at such meetings. The CTC will accordingly prepare suitable display material (in electronic format and hard copy) for display at such meetings which can be used by any of the VAMDC partners. Organisation of "regional" tutorials Since the VAMDC e-infrastructure is planned as an international activity and includes international partners the CTC will also prepare a list of tutorials that will be held in non-EU countries in order to spread the knowledge and practice of the VAMDC infrastructure. These tutorials will be organised by our non-EU partners (IVIC, INASAN, IAO, AOB) and will be aimed at people from those "regions".
Task 3: Scientific workshops Central to the aims of the VAMDC is the formation of an infrastructure that responds to the needs of its user communities since the major impact of the e-infrastructure will be its adopting by scientific and technology communities. Therefore in order to ascertain the requirements of current and potential VAMDC communities and in order to inform the project we will host a series of themed workshops with such communities. These meetings may be stand alone or more usefully as part of the user community’s own conference/meetings programme (through arranged VAMDC sessions). It is anticipated that two such meetings would be per year. Administration of these meetings will be arranged by the CTC. Proposed topics follow those identified in Section 3 (Impact) and include; The astronomical and planetary science Community (with sessions held at the Euro planet RI meeting, SF2A, IAU meetings); The atmospheric science community (in collaboration with one of the HITRAN database meetings); The technology plasma community (at its European meeting ESCAMPIG); The fusion community (as part of the IAEA meetings for ITER itself part of the EURATOM programmed); The Lighting industry (hosted by Philips ltd) and the radiation sciences community (possibly in collaboration of GEANT meeting and the EU RADAM conference series). Each of the following partners will organize (and when necessary host) one or more such workshops; OU (plasma and radiation sciences); UCL and IAO (atmospheric science and Hitran); CMSUC, AOB, CNRS (astronomy and planetary science); UNIVIE and OU (fusion (with IAEA) and lighting).
Task 4: Training Tutorials CMSUC and UCL will prepare material for the partners to use in training workshops both in their own countries and internationally. These tutorials will be focused in developing a user’s competence to use the e-infrastructure and to interface it into their own operating systems; Short training sessions will be integrated into the Annual meeting. All partners will be required to nominate one member who will be able to ‘train’ and/or provide support for their national users. Our non EU partners (IVIC, INASAN, IAO) will also prepare a self-ste-tutorial for VAMDC users who can not attend such tutorials. We (OU,UCL) will also prepare an e-tool for general public/more general stakeholders such that they can take a virtual guided tour of VAMDC including its current status: statistics, content, geography of clients and producers etc.
Task 5: VAMDC Service & Service Prototype Release CMSUC and UU will lead the coordinated release of the annual VAMDC prototype service. This will lead to the final release of the VAMDC service infrastructure. The annual prototypes will be reviewed at the yearly project meetings and available for assessment alongside the VAMDC annual reports. The prototype services will contain the following functionality: Level 1: Preliminary VAMDC service with simple data access to the core VAMDC data resources Level 2: Enhanced interoperable data access to VAMDC data resources, all resources accessible Level 3: Interoperable VAMDC data access with VAMDC tools available (client side or server side accessible via through workflow enactment engines) VAMDC Service: Final full service, including access to resources from the wider community (through the SA1 / Task 6 community call).
Deliverables: WP3 : NA2: Dissemination and Training Milestones : WP3 |