VAMDC Project (2009 - 2012)

Reference Details
González, Juan , Mendoza, Claudio , Witthoeft, Michael , García, Javier , Kallman, Tim and Núñez, Luis (2010), "XSTAR web service: from the Unix shell to the scientific workflow ", CLCAR 2010, Gramado, RS, Brazil.

In our recent developments on application deployment in the new cyber-infrastructure (database-centric e-science) within the VAMDC international collaborative project, we have used the XSTAR spectral modeling code as a case study to address: data-intensive application deployment as a web service; services integration with workflows and the social network as the end user. We describe how to transform a command-line application into a Soaplab2 web service such that it can be included in the Taverna scientific workflow system. Workflows are then released in a scientific social network, e.g. MyExperiment, as the basic blueprint for a verifiable and adaptable scientific method.

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