VAMDC Project (2009 - 2012)

Reference Details
Mendoza, C., Gonzalez, J., Delahaye, F., Zeippen, C. J. and Nunez, L.A. (2010), "VAMDC: atomic data production and curation in data-intensive e-science", 7th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2010).

As we are well aware, information and communication technologies have had a profound effect on scientific research in the past 30 years. In fact we are beginning to talk now of a new way of doing science, e-science, characterized by globally distributed data-intensive collaborations on a second-generation Internet [1]. In this context, an international project has been recently launched to develop the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC) [2, 3, 4], aiming to integrate and upgrade several distributed atomic and molecular (A&M) databases so as to cope with the increasing data demands from a new breed of clients: virtual organizations (e.g. the International Virtual Observatory Alliance [5]) and scientific social networks (e.g. MyExperiment [6]). Inspired by the pioneering Opacity Project [7] and Iron Project [8] long-term atomic data production consortia, and under the VAMDC umbrella, we are currently exploring approaches in grid environments to produce and curate massive radiative and collisional data sets for complete isonuclear sequences, in particular of the iron group. In this respect, application deployment (for instance, for the atomic structure code AUTOSTRUCTURE [9], the R-matrix suite for electron-ion scattering [10] and atomic database-centric spectral modeling codes such as XSTAR [11]) is bound to evolve from the Unix shell to cloud-computing web services (e.g. SOAPLAB2 [12]) and workflows (e.g Taverna [13]). A&M data exchange is destined to become XML-based (see the newly proposed XSAMS A&M schema [14]), carrying comprehensive metadata to ensure data provenance, usability and preservation in diverse user communities. Moreover, we believe that the workflow will soon accompany the scientific publication as the blueprint of a verifiable and adaptable scientific method, and it will also become an essential tool in data-mining networks, the cornerstone of the new scientific paradigm.


[1] T. Hey, S. Tansley, K. Tolle (eds.), The Fourth Paradigm: data-intensive scientific discovery (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA 2009)

[2] C. Mendoza, L.A. Núñez, in Proceedings of the First EELA-2 Conference (Editorial CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain 2009) p.219

[3] M.L. Dubernet, et al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, in press






[9] N.R. Badnell, J. Phys. B 19, 3827 (1986); 30, 1 (1997)

[10] K.A. Berrington, et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 14, 367 (1978)

[11] M.A. Bautista, T.R. Kallman, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 134, 139 (2001)




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